A Further “Debunking” of the Snowbird 30-Day Rule

A Canadian entering the United States of America as a visitor/tourist by air must present a valid Canadian passport or Nexus card when departing from a designated Canadian airport in order to gain legal entry into the country. Canadian citizens travelling to the U.S. by land or sea through a port of entry are required to present either a valid Canadian passport, Enhanced Driver’s License/Enhanced Identification card, NEXUS, FAST/EXPRES or SENTRI enrollment card. Most Canadians travelling frequently to the U.S. present their passport. The passport is typically scanned by the CPB agent and the usual perfunctory questions asked, “Where are you from?  How long will you be in the U.S.?  What is the purpose of your visit? Do you have any fruits or vegetables? Any cash or negotiable instruments in excess of $10,000?” Occasionally, the unsuspecting Canadian may be asked a surprise question, which happened to me on my last visit.  “Have you ever been arrested or fingerprinted for any reason?”  GULP…NO… I REPLIED! Satisfied with my responses to her questions, I was handed back my passport and pleasantly welcomed to the United States of America.

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