They Evaded Capture”-The WWII Story of Medicine Hat’s Own Pilot Officer Borden Carrick Dennison of the Royal Canadian Air Force (“RCAF”) and the Halifax II Bomber That He Piloted That Was Shot Down Over France On March 12,1943


In honor of those who gallantly fought for our freedom, here is a story of one of those unsung heroes from WWII who chose Medicine Hat as his home. It is entitledThey Evaded Capture”-The WWII Story of Medicine Hat’s Own Pilot Officer Borden Carrick Dennison of the Royal Canadian Air Force (“RCAF”) and the Halifax II Bomber That He Piloted That Was Shot Down Over France On March 12,1943

This story is a fascinating account of courage, determination, perseverance and in some cases, incredible luck!

2 thoughts on “They Evaded Capture”-The WWII Story of Medicine Hat’s Own Pilot Officer Borden Carrick Dennison of the Royal Canadian Air Force (“RCAF”) and the Halifax II Bomber That He Piloted That Was Shot Down Over France On March 12,1943

  1. Hi, Bill! Well, you’ve done it again–both pieces are superb! I was surprised that the pilots did some of their travelling by train, but obviously it was worth the risk–I would have been terrified! Best wishes–Chuck

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