Following the research, writing and posting on my personal homepage an article on a local Medicine Hat “character” entitled, “Lost in the Shadows-The Untold Story Of Phoebe Munro of Medicine Hat”, I received a phone call from someone mentioned in the story-John Willsher. He is the husband of Eileen Willsher (nee Munro), one of the daughters of Phoebe Munro. He thanked me immensely for telling her true story and shedding a light on mental illness and the stigma associated with this disease. He stated that, “Phoebe would be proud of her two daughters, 5 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren”.
We talked about my interest in genealogy and he indicated that he too had a similar interest and that he had endeavoured to build a Munro family tree. He told me that he had reached a dead end when it came to trying to find a long lost connection to a Munro family relation and the story behind an inherited family heirloom. I volunteered to assist him in solving the impasse. This is that story…which unexpectedly has a surprising twist at the end ! READ ON