Here is revised version of an earlier article, which given the time of the year and the recent heavy snow fall in my hometown may be of interest, as some may be contemplating an extended trip to a warmer climate in the U.S. READ ON
“Travel Insurance and the Pre-existing Condition Enigma (Revised 2024)”
Here is an up dated version of an earlier article, which given the time of year seems appropriate READ ON
Logan’s Heroes-“Those Others Who Dared to Escape…..”
This is the second of a two part series detailing the heroics of the crew of a Halifax II Bomber piloted by Medicine Hat’s own P/O Borden Carrick Dennison, which was shot down over France during WWII. The story is entitled, Logan’s Heroes.
They Evaded Capture”-The WWII Story of Medicine Hat’s Own Pilot Officer Borden Carrick Dennison of the Royal Canadian Air Force (“RCAF”) and the Halifax II Bomber That He Piloted That Was Shot Down Over France On March 12,1943
In honor of those who gallantly fought for our freedom, here is a story of one of those unsung heroes from WWII who chose Medicine Hat as his home. It is entitled “They Evaded Capture”-The WWII Story of Medicine Hat’s Own Pilot Officer Borden Carrick Dennison of the Royal Canadian Air Force (“RCAF”) and the Halifax II Bomber That He Piloted That Was Shot Down Over France On March 12,1943
This story is a fascinating account of courage, determination, perseverance and in some cases, incredible luck!
“Gone But Not Forgotten”-The Inexplicable Disappearance of the Reverend Robert Ross and the Captivating True Life Story of His Wife Pearl Ross and Her Young Family
A True Bow Island Mystery! READ ON
The First Original Medicine Hat Maverik
The First Original Medicine Hat Maverik- The Life and Times of Ivan Cleveland Rand
Here is another interesting chapter in the history of Medicine Hat, for which many would be completely unaware. Enjoy this step back in time…..Read On
“What’s in a name? What is meant by the word “District’ in the Historical Society of Medicine Hat and District
Those interested in the history of Medicine Hat may find this article of interest. It is entitled, “What’s in a name? –What is meant by the word “District’ in the Historical Society of Medicine Hat and District
Pashley and the Canadian Version of the Cage Green Farm- A Historical Vignette
Here is another interesting chapter in the history of Medicine Hat and District entitled “Pashley and the Canadian Version of the Cage Green Farm- A Historical Vignette”
READ ON by cilicking on the link above
“The Apple Does Not Fall Far From the Tree”
The Story of George Lyall Arbuthnott McIntosh and his son John “Jack” McIntosh and their Very Special and Unique Connection to Medicine Hat READ ON
The story behind a WWII Halifax bomber and its unique nose art and the young pilot who flew the aircraft is another interesting chapter in the history of Medicine Hat.
Raw Recruit: The Story of “Captain” William Randolph Johnston and his Unique Connection to Medicine Hat
The march west in 1874 by the NWMP to bring law and order to the Northwest Territories created a lasting legacy and brought with it a collection of interesting characters, many of whom had an important impact on the history of Medicine Hat. This is the story of one of these young “recruits”. READ ON