Going Down Another “Genealogical” Rabbit Hole: -The Story Andrew Easton Wands (1893-1915) and the Battle of Gully Ravine and the “Butcher of Helles”

As we approach another Remembrance Day, we should again pause and reflect on those who paid the ultimate price in defense of our freedom- a “freedom” which is not without its own logical boundaries which has been predicated soundly for centuries on the “rule” of law. A “freedom” which far too many of us today have silently taken for granted.

Here is a story of a Fallen Soldier who has no special connection but whose sacrifice in a far away land should be honored and remembered.




Charles Mallory Hatfield: The “Rainmaker” -The Story of a Infamous American Character Who Once Plied his Trade in Medicine Hat

The history of Medicine Hat is full of interesting characters and events but no one individual has received more “publicity” and has been the subject of more newspaper accounts than Charles Mallory Hatfield. His brief but historic visit to Medicine Hat in the 1920’s has resulted in numerous stories or accounts of his efforts to bring rain to the “parched” land of Southern Alberta following several years of drought conditions in the area.


“All Hell for A Basement”- A Historical Vignette about the Discovery of Natural Gas in Medicine Hat

There is probably no singular circumstance or event which has attracted more world wide attention or brought Medicine Hat more notoriety than the discovery of natural gas beneath its surface. This resulted in the declaration made at the turn of the century, by a world renowned author and poet of the time, that Medicine Hat was “the town that was born lucky” and that it had “all hell for a basement”.

This is that story!


The “Royal” Connaught Golf Club-“The History of One of Medicine Hat’s Premiere Golf Courses”

A 100th anniversary is a significant milestone and an admirable accomplishment under any circumstances and it is most worthy of great celebration. 

In 1922, the Connaught Golf Club at Medicine Hat, Alberta was founded and it will celebrate it’s one hundredth anniversary this year. As a tribute to its storied past, it is important to recount and document its history in some meaningful and appropriate way. Here is a look back at the history of one of Medicine Hat’s Premiere golf courses.